These magnetic pet hair magnets make it easy to quickly identify and remove any stray hairs from inside your home. The magnets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. All you have to do is simply place them under your shower or sink, and they will quickly catch and remove any stray hair.
They’re great! They’re also a great way to get rid of any unwanted hairs from inside your shower or sink (as well as around your bathtub). Just place the magnet over any small space in your home, or use them to get rid of any stray hairs you have.
Although I use them all the time, I have to admit, I’m not sure how much they help. Most of the hair they are designed to grab is the hair that is underneath the surface of the shower or sink. In those areas the hairs are naturally created, so it is harder to get rid of them. Instead of just taking them off, I would suggest using a hair dryer. It will heat the hair back up and create a little hair-free space.
But I still like pet hair magnets. I just wish I knew where I got them.
There are two kinds of pet hairs, short pet hairs (those with no hair at all) and long pet hairs (those that have a little hair). Short pet hairs come in two common varieties, baby and human. Baby pet hairs are usually about 2-3 inches long, while human pet hairs are usually around 6 inches long. Both types are quite soft, so they will easily go unnoticed.
The pet hair magnets look like little toy dinosaurs. I guess they are supposed to be a little tiny bit like those little teddy bears that come in the toy section of the dollar store. They are also the kind that usually come in the hair-free section of the grocery store. I guess that’s how you got your hair. The only problem is that the pet hair magnets are not that tiny. You can easily get them in the size of a half dollar.
I just found myself in a place of complete and utter confusion.
According to the company’s website, the magnets are made using a unique technology called a “tactile memory.” That’s the technical term for how animals feel when they are stroked. Their website explains how the magnets can be built to be “the size of a quarter and hold a tiny pet.” Although I guess that makes it a little bit like the toy dinosaurs and the hair-free section of a grocery store.
I just wish the company made a little more sense. The reason I’m confused is because I see they seem to be making a lot of money using this technology and then I see a bunch of stuff like this floating around. It reminds me of the recent craze for hair magnets. I guess they have something to do with the new “hug” app.
There are two primary uses for magnetic hair, and these days, both are becoming more common. One is to make things easier for your pet. The other is to give your pet something to play with. If you have a dog, you can buy magnets that fit dogs and that are the exact size of their paw. Some pet stores sell these magnets. These magnets don’t have to be expensive and they can be found at most pet stores.