I really love the new self-ink tech. It’s a fun way to add life and color to your drawings. It’s easy to do and has a high pigment level.
Some people prefer to use a different kind of ink to create the same effect. The most common ink is called “blue ink.” Blue ink has a high pH level and is generally not recommended for use in water-based mediums. However, a lot of ink manufacturers have begun to introduce blue ink into their products, and with good reason. Blue ink is very opaque and can be difficult to color.
Blue ink is much like paint. It can be used on paper and canvas and is a safe alternative to traditional oil-based mediums that may be harmful to your health.
I guess our main motivation for purchasing blue ink is that it can easily be mixed with water to create very thick and opaque ink. It is also very thick, making it a good alternative medium for long-term use. I’m not sure how much is actually in a regular bottle of blue ink, but it’s hard to keep track of the number that I’m actually using (and I’m not alone).
I’ve heard there is a lot of controversy surrounding the safety of the blue ink brand (from the company that makes it), and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not entirely sure how much of it there is. But from what I’ve heard, it’s not that safe. But I can’t see how it would be safe to put it on a pillow to sleep on.
Blue ink is a highly concentrated form of ink that im not sure how safe it is, not that I have any personal experience with it. I just dont like the idea of a single-use liquid. And I dont think it would be safe to put it on a pillow to sleep on.
Im not even sure how much there is to worry about. It’s true that there is a risk that the ink will evaporate and disappear, but Ill be the first to admit that Ill never use the stuff. Ill only use it in a very small way, like a small drop that I put on a piece of paper and use to write a little something. But Ill never let it out of my sight. Ill only use it if I need to.
I agree that there could be risks – especially if the ink is going to evaporate – but it’s a risk that we feel we need to take in order to achieve our objective. I think we also need to realize that the ink is only effective if it is used in small amounts. A single drop of ink that would be used all over the place to write a couple of words is really really tiny, and if it evaporates, it could cause major damage to the paper.
If we do use it to write a few words, we’ll be able to use the ink to write other words as well. But if we’re going to use this ink to write a few more words, we need to make sure we don’t evaporate it. It could be a major problem.
I also don’t think we should be using ink that is more than 1/32 inch in size. The tiny ink droplets could cause massive damage to the delicate paper.