I’ve had this stroller for a little over a year now, and I am so happy with it. The wheels were a pain to get on and off, but I have gotten used to the way the wheels move in different directions (and how they work together when they get stuck). The stroller can hold a full load and is comfortable for long hikes, plus it comes in a packable section that makes it super easy to fold up and store away.
Pet gear is more than just a name, or even a category. It’s also something that you can actually fix. Like my cat’s name is “Woofy”, and he loves to meow at me every morning. Now I can get up at the crack of dawn and pet him until he falls asleep. He can’t get up and eat, but he still gets to meow.
The real question is what does the stroller do for me when it gets stuck. My cats are my sanity, so I definitely want to keep them on the leash. But when it gets stuck, I still want to pet them and have them sit on my lap and be petted. It’s a win-win situation.
The thing that really makes this product special is that it is waterproof.
The stroller doesn’t really get stuck. It just gets stuck in the mud (it’s actually a deep well). Its not really a win-win situation.
One of the coolest features of Pet Gear Happy Trails Stroller is the fact that it can pick up the pet gear and carry it. This means you can get it to your cat, but also to your dog. The Stroller has four handles and you can attach a leash to it. We had a hard time trying to get our dog to sit on the stroller with the leash attached.
While it is possible to make this stroller more sturdy, the idea of attaching it to a leash for your pet is a bit awkward. You probably shouldn’t get that close to your dog. Also, the stroller can be very difficult to load. It is too tall, and the wheels don’t roll very well. As a result, it is quite difficult to load up a dog and its harness.
Unfortunately, while a leash on a stroller is not the worst thing that could happen, it is the worst thing that could be done wrong. It could very easily cause an accident. While pet-friendly strollers are a good option, if you want to keep your dog safe and your hands free then you will want to go with a harness instead.
If you can’t handle the weight of a stroller on your back, you can get the best of both worlds. The Doggie Back Stroller is a harnessless stroller that is very stable, and the weight of your dog will no longer be a factor in loading. It even comes with a carrying handle so you can lift your dog over your shoulder. You might be surprised by how easy it is to load up a dog, it’s just like riding a bike.
If you want to go to the beach for some sand time or just want to keep your dog safe while you walk, this is the stroller for you. It is a harnessed stroller so you can strap it on your dog as your dog walks, and then take it off as your dog sits on the beach for a couple minutes. The leash keeps the stroller from rolling off and it doesnt require you to carry your dog in it.