If I had to put a score at the end of this race I would give my final margin an A. Though I’m not so sure how much the techs would have improved if they had had to use a different state as their home state.
Both states are in the middle of the country, have similar geography, and share a similar economy. Both have a population of roughly the same size as each other. Both are in the middle of a recession which has cut spending in half. As a result, each state is struggling to find its way in the world.
Both states are in the middle of the country, have similar geography, and share a similar economy. Both have a population of roughly the same size as each other. Both are in the middle of a recession which has cut spending in half. As a result, each state is struggling to find its way in the world.
It turns out that it’s hard to keep both Louisiana and Arkansas from being in the middle of the country, but that’s where they are. Louisiana is located in the middle of the country and has a population that is roughly the same size as Arkansas. Both states are located in the middle of a recession which has cut spending in half, but Louisiana was able to recover faster.
Arkansas actually has a stronger economy than Louisiana, but their unemployment rates are actually above average. Louisiana’s unemployment rate is above average, too, but it has also lost some jobs to the lower number. Arkansas is still struggling, but it has increased its budget by about 600 million dollars since 2012. This means that Louisiana’s unemployment rate is probably around 8% and Arkansas’ is probably closer to 7.
Louisiana has had an interesting recent history, and has had a few moments of extreme inequality. But Louisiana has recovered far faster than Arkansas. For instance, the state lost about 20,000 jobs between 2011 and 2014. But the state’s unemployment rate in 2014 was above 8%, which is much better than Louisiana’s unemployment rate in 2014.
Arkansas and Louisiana are both on the southern border of the U.S. and are about the same size. But Arkansas, which is on the eastern border, has a bigger population, and a state with a larger budget. So Arkansas has a better unemployment rate (compared to Louisiana) than Louisiana.
I think this kind of thing can be a problem if you have a large state with a small budget and a large population. You can see a similar problem when we look at the unemployment rates for the states with the highest and lowest unemployment rates.
These stats are interesting, because they show the problem is not necessarily based on a large state with a small population having a smaller unemployment rate. The difference between the populations of Louisiana and Arkansas would be negligible. In fact, Louisiana’s unemployment rate is actually lower than Arkansas’ because of a much larger population.
The thing is with unemployment statistics, the bigger the state, the higher the unemployment rate. Louisiana has a larger population and has a higher unemployment rate because of it. As for Arkansas, it has a smaller population and lower unemployment rate because of it.