When I was growing up, I knew there were different levels of self-awareness. At the very top of the scale, you’d be able to see yourself as a fully-fledged adult. Beyond this, you’d be able to see yourself as a child, which allowed for more self-reflection and a better understanding of your own needs.
When I was in college, all I ever wanted was to be a hacker on a high-functioning committee. I thought that I would be able to work in the corporate world on a regular basis, but I couldn’t see myself as a real part of society.
So here I am: a self-aware adult. As a senior in college, I was able to see myself as a complete adult, and that gave me a lot of perspective. As a tech person, I can see myself as a child of a completely different era. I can easily understand and relate to the experiences I take for granted. I see my own needs and wants and I can even relate to them.
As a tech person, I can relate to myself, but not the real me. That’s a good thing, because the real me is a much different person. I’m not a good student, I’m not a good person, it’s not because of my personality but because of the way I functioned in my environment.
The real me might be a slightly different person from the one you see on screen. And like a lot of things, you can see that a more realistic person might be a different person in real life. The real me might be a bit more focused, a bit more analytical, a bit more confident, and a bit more outgoing. It might also have a more intense, sometimes obsessive, personality, but that doesnt mean that I am a better person.
The other thing that you might notice about me is that I like to say that I like to talk. Though I am not a talker, I like to talk a lot about a lot of things and I often feel that I want to share a lot of my thoughts and experiences. I have a tendency to share my thoughts and experiences more freely than I typically would and this can be a good thing.
In an effort to be more inclusive, I’ve been trying to take a more active role in the design of this blog. I try to engage with people who post on it, and I’ve been trying to build some sort of community here. I try to show that I care, and I try to be kind and respectful. That’s a little hard to do when you have as many opinions as I do, but if you’re reading this, at least you know that I’m trying.
I get that the two of you don’t like the direction Ive been taking this blog, but I have a big enough following to go with it. There are a lot of people out there that are interested in what I write, so I have to make sure that I show that I care about the topics I post, and that I am trying to be respectful of each other.
That is a very good thing to do, and the more of us that do that the easier it is for the rest of you to do the same. We have a lot of different views on technology, but we all have the same goals. We just have different ways of handling it.
I think one of the things that I’ve done a lot of is just make sure that I don’t express a particular opinion. If I think something is bad, I try not to say anything about it. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind or make them think a certain way. It just makes it so much easier to not get into an argument about something that I believe.